Important Announcement

Hello, everyone!

Today, I have an important announcement to share with you all.

On May 17th, The Blue Blog reached its third year anniversary! I must admit that this last year has gone way too quick. Normally, I would make a post (or a video) to celebrate this milestone in my blogging career, however I have found it very difficult to do so. If you want to know why, I am in the middle of my GCSE exams (which have been going really well so far) and it takes a lot of time to prepare something – alongside vital revision! Also, Club Penguin has been gone for almost 2 months now; obviously I cannot create any party or record any videos using Club Penguin. I am still finding it very hard to realise that it is gone forever.

Anyway, I want to say thank you to everyone who has been reading my blog for 1, 2 or even 3 years, now! Ever since I entered the Club Penguin Twitter community in 2014, I have been able to meet so many lovely people and it has been an honour to make posts for you all, even though I make hardly any! Blogging has been tremendously fun, tiring – and sometimes even frustrating, but that is what makes it rewarding.

Now, I have decided that The Blue Blog has reached its third – and final year.

In the past year, I have always hinted that I am constantly unsure about the future of this blog. I was mainly worried about the closure of Club Penguin and how it would affect The Blue Blog. While that has been an issue, I have come to other conclusions. First of all, The Blue Blog was designed to be a unique reading experience for Club Penguin fans. A lot of the old community has departed with the game, so I think it is fair to say that there is no point in continuing any Club Penguin posts. You may be thinking “But, wait! There’s Club Penguin Island!”. I have decided that I am not going to be blogging about Club Penguin Island on The Blue Blog. Not only is it difficult for me to grasp onto the new ways of sharing mobile apps, but the end of the Club Penguin era makes sense for The Blue Blog to sunset. A new beginning would be kind of lack lustre, considering I don’t see much posts in the long run and I would want it to be something special – not pointless.

Also, things are changing in my life and I am still at that stage where I am on the verge of moving on from Club Penguin – completely. Just to think that I have college a couple of months down the line indicates that it’s time for me to embark on new adventures. However, what only matters now is the reality that The Blue Blog will not be continuing its journey as of today. Technically, the journey ended a while ago, when I stopped making posts, however this is my last post…

The amount of memories I have made through this blog. Blogtober. So Long CP. Island Discussions. Everything.

The Blue Blog was not only a blog where I discussed things related to a game about penguins. It has been a mental journey that has had its ups and downs. I hate to think of it ending on a down, so I want to try and shed some light on this depressing announcement.

The journey of Blue21102 (Mister Blue Sky) has not ended. I still have time left to make even more memories! The Blue Blog has been a way of communicating my journey, but there are new things on the horizon – and I am excited! There is no way I am deleting this blog – ever! I will always keep it up and running since it has been run, entirely, on a free plan; yeah, kind of sad!

If any of you are aware of Penguin Chat: a podcast hosted by Daisydoo14 and I, make sure you stay tuned for the Season 1 finale podcast, which will be a livestream towards the end of May/beginning of June. It was meant to happen a lot earlier, however time has been a difficult competition. During the podcast, we will talk about Club Penguin (Island), The Blue Blog and we will talk to all of you who will watch it through a Q & A! I am hoping it will be a lot of fun and it will be the last Penguin Chat episode for a while.

Thank you to everyone who has read my posts, shared my posts, liked my posts and been a part of my posts. The Blue Blog has improved me, as a person and I am thankful for its existence. This is goodbye from The Blue Blog.

Waddle On!


Almost Two

Hello everyone!

If you weren’t aware already, my blogging career is soon from hitting its two year anniversary. I started blogging on the 18th of May 2014 on a website called LegoPuffle CP Cheats. I was only a part time blogger for a few months until I started dedicating most of my time to my blog which I created a few days later. Then, it was called ‘Blue’s Blog’!

Anyway, we are just over a month away until I reach my 2nd anniversary and so I think it would be cool to celebrate it by doing something really special. One of those things could be a classic Club Penguin tradition of throwing a party next month but I want to know if that is what you want. I have thrown around two or three parties since I joined the Twitter community so – as you can tell – the party will not be that legendary however a party can be fun so I would appreciate it if you comment below or let me know on Twitter if you would be interested if I decided to hold a party. In the past, my parties have not been that popular but now that I know more of you it might turn out differently!

Another idea is to conduct a post that any of you would want me to do. It could be an ultimate long Island Discussion on a mystery of your liking or it could be a montage of art for me to create and post on this blog. Obviously, there is likely to be different suggestions so I would just pick the most popular one. Instead of giving you options, I will leave that for you to decide if you comment below.

A possible suggestion is to do a YouTube video! I have not done these in a while only because my videos are not exactly the best of quality. If you don’t mind a Bandicam watermark at the top of the video then be my guest to suggest a video that you want me to do. A Club Penguin Documentary? A Comedy? A Music Video? Or something else? Let me know in the comments!  Continue reading

Island Discussion #20: Not Quite

Hey everyone!

First of all, I apologise for not being very on the ball lately. You know blogging means a lot to me so I try my best to keep my Blog fresh. However it can be very difficult to find time to throw a post in now and then but as you may know, already, my posts are not the most frequent because I care more about what I post than time. On a happier note, you may have noticed that this is my 20th Island Discussion! Thank you for supporting these posts and I hope you have found them intriguing and unique.

Now, onto today’s topic!

I, as well as many other penguins, am very excited about this year’s 10th Anniversary. The celebration is amazing and all of that time waiting for a stronger party paid off for sure! The 10th Anniversary Party is very different compared to all the other parties; it’s more like a trip down Waddle Lane! Now, I didn’t join Club Penguin until 2008 so I know all of the latest ones but it is so cool to finally relive the past and feel like a younger penguin – like I was, over 7 years ago! It is an amazing experience where a variety of mascots turn up as well. And the party introduces us to the Mascbots!

The Mascbots were created by Gary (of course) and they are designed to feed penguins about the island’s past! They look awesome but something about them is not quite so right. Read this newspaper article and you will see…

Gary Mascbots Analysis Continue reading

“Nothing Lasts Forever” – My Thoughts

Hello everyone!

Today I just wanted to explore some different kinds of topics on this Blog. Some in which I have not blogged about in my career even though I would like to. Sometimes I can be a very opinionated Penguin. The only form of posts I have expressed my opinions in are my party reviews however I thought it would be nice to step outside of the island for a bit and think about Club Penguin as a massive virtual world for kids.

Okay, I admit; I am not at all good with facts and figures on when Disney had bought Club Penguin and how much incline and decline there has been in traffic over the past years. I am not at all bothered to research it too because I know a lot of posts out there who provide details so copying will not do much good. My intentions with this post are to explore the journey Club Penguin has taken on ever since 2005. It has been a long one and it has been very interesting.

Back when Club Penguin was developing into something much bigger (The Big Update) it was surprisingly successful. Reasons for this were because Club Penguin took on a unique form of chat rooms and the visuals of the chat rooms helped to extend a world of imagination for kids. With Experimental Penguins (pre-Club Penguin) Lance Priebe did a good job with creating a world about Penguins even though the concepts were quite bland and the software was not as advanced as the current one Club Penguins runs on now. However back then, kids would have thought of Experimental Penguins as something big which was as a result of a new virtual world! Back then, the traffic was not as good as it is today, yet the whole point of this post is to illustrate how Club Penguin became something which appealed to more and more people until recent years.

Continue reading