Blue Reviews: Merry Walrus Party

Hello everyone!

Welcome to a ‘Blue Reviews’. I am going to comment on this month’s party as a critic. Within ‘Blue Reviews’, I categorise several aspects of the party. This month’s party is the Merry Walrus Party!

Just some information first, this is going to be an annual party from now on, therefore replacing the Holiday Party. This party was created to justify many different traditions that you can do for the holidays. It also promotes the ‘We Wish You A Merry Walrus’ animation by Club Penguin. It also introduces a new mascot, the Merry Walrus! The Merry Walrus is the equivalent to Father Christmas so Club Penguin thought it was time to spread some holiday cheer by conjuring up their own.

That was some background information of the party; now lets review it!

1. Story

It all started from a mysterious story book. Aunt Arctic was able to grasp onto a lost book found in the forest. Inside it told the tale of the Merry Walrus who rides a sleigh with Blue Crystal Puffles. Aunt Arctic read that he encourages everyone to spread the holiday cheer by giving presents to one another and coins for change. It was a week later until the Merry Walrus arrived on Club Penguin and sets quests for you to do. An example of one is decorating the tree in the Forest and each quest completed will donate 500 coins in your name. Everyday until the 21st you can come back for another tradition to enjoy.

The story of the Merry Walrus Party is okay. It is a shame that they never introduced the Merry Walrus an earlier year. This is because the Merry Walrus never visited before so it is unknown why he visited this year. However it is nice to see a new mascot added to Club Penguin as well as a different theme from past years. The story still has some loose ends but it is definitely enjoyable!

2. Visuals

The visuals in this party are – as always – amazing! Club Penguin have introduced a new theme this year but I would like to state that I do not think that they are as good as former years’. First of all some rooms have been slightly renovated from last years’. For example, here is a picture of the town in December 2013 and another one of the town in December 2014.


They are similar but I appreciate how Club Penguin has changed it slightly. It would be better if the rooms changed each year though. The visuals look more cartoon-like at the Merry Walrus Party whereas they were more sharp and sketchy in 2013. I prefer the enhancements to the overall graphics this year however the decorations from last year brings a festive atmosphere to the island. Especially the unique sky from last year made the Holiday Party much more cosier but unfortunately Club Penguin have not included this at the Merry Walrus Party. The atmosphere looks colder and crisp which I do not think captures the atmosphere of a true and a festive holiday.

Furthermore Club Penguin still have not supported all rooms on the island which is still disappointing. The Cove was not even decorated at all which surprised me a lot!

Visuals at the Merry Walrus Party are quite disappointing… It is a shame that Club Penguin have got rid of the starry sky that was used in former December parties. Also they still have not decorated the entire island which most people have complained about this year. Why are they not learning from this?

3. Content

Club Penguin have still supported Coins For Change which I think is entirely unique compared to other virtual world traditions. Since it is a time for giving, I think that Club Penguin are very wise for making Cons For Change possible! To make Coin For Change even more successful, Club Penguin accepts donations from buying items in the catalogue. Every item bought, donates a specific amount to Coins For Change which I think is very efficient. Also Club Penguin have plotted booths around the island which supports donations from 500 coins to 10,000 coins.

The quests in this party are very limited, however. I have looked at the Quest Manager and it turns out that there are only 4! Usually there are a range of quests to complete until a week of the party has passed however these ones last until Sunday the 21st! I must admit that they are very easy too. The only one that I think it creative is the first one where you have to decorate the tree by throwing snowballs at it. The following quest is kind of irrelevant and similar since you have to throw snowballs in order to start a food fight! I do not think Club Penguin have put much effort into this at all!

Even though there is a lack in daily quests, I like how they introduced the parade where Penguins can ride a float around the island. It is quite boring however since there is nothing to do except enjoy an on-going scene of trees. Perhaps Club Penguin could have adapted this more like they did with the trains last year. It would not follow the plot, however it would be nice to see something similar to last year where you have to throw snowballs at coin bags. It would also donate even more to Coins For Change. Or they could have made the trip more exciting by adding a few more details. What Club Penguin have done with the float is enough but I am sure others would agree that it could be more exciting.

Something I miss from former years is the sleigh ride. It is a shame that Club Penguin have not included any activities like this at the Merry Walrus Party. You could argue that the float was an equivalent to this but then again, Club Penguin could have made it more enjoyable. On the whole, the party is lacking enjoyable quests and activities to participate in… At least they added a new Puffle but then again, I think Club Penguin have introduced enough Puffles already!


Last of all, it is very pleasing to see that Club Penguin has been brought to Android Devices! I am thrilled that they have done this since I can now play on the go! I like how Club Penguin have brought the parties to devices since you could extend the fun a bit more. The app often includes exclusive content such as Sushi Drop however they have not added any exclusive content for the party. Anyway I appreciate their hard work for bringing Club Penguin onto Android Devices so fast; I was expecting another two months or so after the new year!

The content within the party is not the best, I have to admit. I generally find that parties this year have missed out on enjoyable elements that were included formerly. The quests are disappointing and the effort is not at its best. It is such as shame since I love the Holiday Parties and I thought it would be even better by introducing new traditions and a name but to be honest it has got worse. I have no idea why it is not improving but I really, really hope that 2015 parties will be the best. I am sure Club Penguin will eventually redeem their selves since a new year is approaching which means fresh starts!

4. Verdict

The Merry Walrus Party introduces a new theme to Club Penguin Holiday parties. The Merry Walrus is a new mascot on Club Penguin which adds onto the fun with giving and maintaining a festive spirit. This party – however – does not set a high standard, generally. I think Club Penguin have taken a step back with the whole idea of effort which has annoyed a lot of people this year. The fact that this is the last party of 2014, does not encourage people to look forward to next year because of its weak standard. Even though it is dropping back, Club Penguin are working on ways to develop Club Penguin onto devices such as android and I am sure that this was their main focus this year. There is probably a lot of secretive development being made to many aspects of Club Penguin. Overall it is a poor party but I hope Club Penguin will be able to redeem their weak efforts by making Club Penguin even better next year!

SCORE: 4/10


  • A new theme added.
  • Coins For Change has been developed.
  • More platforms supported.


  • Lack of effort in content.
  • Limited quests.
  • Only a few rooms have been decorated.
  • Disappointing traditions.


The Island Detective: Chapter Five


I am heading towards the Pizza Parlour. Still smiling. I wave to fellow citizens and they respond with a lazy greeting. Come on! Penguins have got to bright up a little bit. They should appreciate their life. Look at me for example. I appreciate what I have got yet I am kinda homeless… Hopefully this vacancy will be the next milestone of my life and I am literally dreaming about all the major enhances that could inflict on my life if I was offered it. Imagine.

Buying some new and clean clothes that are not 2 years old! I will be able to have money to move on in life. Maybe buy an igloo and over time it can transform into a mansion! I can have friends as well. I mean, you can’t fork out for them with dough but you can earn them from a great lifestyle. But most importantly, I will be happy! When I am happy, it triggers off success in a range of ways.

The Pizza Parlour was right in front of me. I could smell the delicious aroma of the pizzas that elegantly fried on the oven. Another good thing about this job is that it is working in an atmosphere that I love. With pizzas around me to: eat, smell and serve, how bad can it be?

My flippers gently nudged the diner doors open; what I saw next sent a chill down my spine..



Island Discussion #10: A bit of everything.

Hello everyone!

Welcome to the 10th Island Discussion! I am very pleased to have continued this element on my Blog because some of you find it interesting so thank you for reading and congratulations on making this element awesome! For this edition, I am going to go over a few updates on what has been going on in Club Penguin as well as telling you some other cool stuff. Welcome to a bit of everything…

1. Skip The Bellhop

——————————————————–SPOILERS BEYOND THIS POINT———————————————————–

Some of you may have heard about the true identity of Skip. Some of you may have seen the true identity of Skip. Well please read on if you know what I am talking about but if you haven’t completed the quest at the Halloween Party, I would move to no. 2. Thank you for your patience.

As we all know, Skip has now been revealed to be a ghost! It was definitely a plot twist at the end of the quest since I suspected nothing of him. Well done Club Penguin! Anyway is there a chance he may return? Since he is a ghost, there are quite a few complex rules that tell us whether he is gone forever or if it is possible that he may return. I am not that good on mythology myself so maybe one of you may have a theory about him. If you have anything to share, then please comment in the comments section.

2. EPF Update

In this update I am going to briefly tell you what has happened with the EPF over the year. On the whole, not much has happened.

The first major EPF related update was on March 6, 2014. Basically the EPF Command Room was renovated into its current design now. At the time it was quite exciting since the EPF Command Room was inactive in its use of Tube Transport and Field Ops. It was still damaged since Operation: Blackout in 2012! That is just over a year of a broken HQ. The new design is very efficient and much more modern. There are two new sections in it including the: jail cell and the lab/storage room. These are not very active at the moment but they may be next year or sooner. The only disadvantage with this update is that the VR room is gone for good and it is missed by many including me.

A bit later – May 22, 2014 — June 4, 2014 –  the Future Party was introduced to the island. This had a connection to the EPF since the new organisation (at the time being Extra Planetary Federation) had a resemblance to the name of the Elite Penguin Force. It was thought that this would be the future EPF. The threat at the party was the Ultimate Protobot 10000. He threatened the island with meteors and Micro Bots and eventually himself during the Ultimate Battle. Using Robos (technology at the time) the Extra Planetary Force defended the island from being harmed.

I wouldn’t classify this party as an EPF operation but judging by the party planner for the next two months, it seems Club Penguin have. Usually we would get an EPF Operation this month and I love them so much! Unfortunately is seems that we are having a Pirate Party instead. I love Pirate Parties too but it is a shame that Club Penguin replaced it with one of the hit parties of the past two years.

Moving onto around this time, we have been getting reports on Herbert and Klutzy reuniting. JPG has been researching their location and it turns out that they are in the Wilderness. Could this hint the next EPF event?

3. The Island Detective

My new story “The Island Detective” is going to be related to these topics. As you have probably noticed, the titles are very similar and the story version is from one penguins perspective. They are referred to the Island Detective. I would recommend you to read these if you are a big fan of my Island Discussions. I would really appreciate more readers and you can find the chapters (so far) here! I hope you will enjoy them!

4. Island Discussion Update

This update is quite important for you to read. I am afraid to say that this element on the Blog will be taking a little break. It is quite difficult to explain why however there is still Community Collab to tune into. Also make sure you look out for more stories. It will probably be around the end of this month that I will start continuing the Island Discussions. I hope you will understand.

Thanks for reading this Island Discussion and I would appreciate your thoughts in the comments section. Stay tuned with my other elements on this Blog. Thanks again,


Island Discussion #9: Dot-To-Dot

Hello everyone!

Welcome to the 9th Island Discussion! Today’s topic will be a bit empty, meaning I may not have any evidence for it. It is an interesting one, though. I will be trying to see whether this theory (I am about to tell you) is true. It may take some time to gather some evidence and to examine it but this was literally off the top of my head and I waned to find out about it! Here we go…

“What if Dot the Disguise Gal was evil?”

Dot3What do you guys think? Does this sound random to you? Well I was thinking that her history on this island is anonymous so we do not no much about here at all. Except that she “works” for the EPF.

Since she is a stealthy agent, you never know where you are going to find her. She may be an undercover spy working for another organisation but we do no not that because she can disguise as one. We may think of her as an ordinary EPF agent but the looks is just one layer of yourself. what is behind her?

The strange thing about Dot is that she was recruited later as an EPF agent. It started off when she helped you to qualify as an EPF agent in the DS game: “Club Penguin: Elite Penguin Force”. She also looked different then. This can tell you how she can remarkably change now and then.

In the mission “The Veggie Villain”, Dot appeared out from the cupboard that lead to the original EPF Command Room. She was not in any other mission except this one. There are three reasons that could explain this. Maybe she was just casually doing her job. She could have been working as an EPF agent for a while; maybe we did not realise. Second. Since she was new at the time, Club Penguin wanted to show her off on the web as well as on the Nintendo DS game. The third reason that could explain this could be that she was sent to the PSA (from the beginning of her recruit) to destroy the HQ and get away. As we can tell she only could have succeeded one part in her mission. Since it was Herbert that blew up the HQ, could mean that he sent Dot there in the first place.

Now Dot has maintained her position in the EPF. As we can tell, Herbert is now her enemy after he froze her and all the other EPF agents in Operation: Blackout. Maybe they turned against each other after Dot failed to complete the mission. (This is probably sounding really random now!)

This was basically a rough guide lines to Dot’s life and her relationships. I used the above story as an example to show that she could be a duplicitous agent. Of course this is only my theory and may be wrong but it is still possible that she may have connections with other organisation as well as the EPF. Since she is a disguise gal, it may be hard for us to tell…

That is it for this Island Discussion. That was one strange theory but I wonder if any of you could agree with it or think it is completely false. Please comment your thoughts and theories about Dot in the comments section. Who do you think she is? Is she an EPF agent? Or is that one of her many disguises?

Thanks for reading!


Community Collab: Card-Jitsu

Hello everyone!

Welcome to a brand new Community Collab, where we raise ideas and interact with each other for the benefit of Club Penguin. Today’s topic is about Card-Jitsu.

Card-Jitsu is a game that is original to Club Penguin. There are two skills – for you to hone – to be able to succeed in Card-Jitsu. First you need strategy. Strategy is an advantage in Card-Jitsu because the rest is luck. To be able to have a higher chance in succeeding, strategy is your mate. You need to know your elements and their strengths/weaknesses. If someone chooses snow, you choose fire. That is basic strategy. However, if you’re on your way to become a ninja, you need to think as if you were in the other penguin’s shoes. For example you need to take in consideration that your opponent may be tricking you and leading you to a trap. By doing this they can pretend to pick their last element required to win and the other penguin’s instinct would be to go against that element to stop them winning. Keep thinking strategy and you can master Card-Jitsu in no time!

That was a basic guide to Card-Jitsu. As you can tell, the game sounds different and awesome! Club Penguin are lucky to own such a great game. Though when are they going to spotlight it?

Over the years, Card-Jitsu has become increasingly popular due to the expansion of different elemental games, making it vast and more interesting. Near the early stages of Card-Jitsu, Club Penguin released CJ Trading Cards to help promote it. Since the game itself uses cards to present a particular element, Club Penguin thought it may be a good idea to do this in real life. I remember the days when I used to collect these and trade them with my friends. I still have them in tins! They still sell these cards however they aren’t popular anymore and this is because there hasn’t been an update to them. Card-Jitsu has been updated online since there is now water, snow and fire to master but the classic cards still remain.

I love the CJ Trading Cards but it would be nice to see more ways to play. Maybe Club Penguin will be working towards this since the game is planning on being revamped soon. Also they are trying to bring it on the app as well!

Overall what are your thoughts on Card-Jitsu? Do you think is has been forgotten in reality? Comment your thoughts on this post and I would appreciate your reactions to Card-Jitsu. It would help as well since all of this collaboration will be noticed and maybe forwarded on to the team. Polo Field makes often visits and forwards some ideas so please feel free to say something.

Thanks for reading!
