Operation: Shadow Annoucement

Hello, everyone!

An unexpected threat has been traversing the island, terrorising penguins. Some describe it as a shadow; something invisible; something invincible. The EPF are currently investigating the matter. We have already been warned about this threat. Ever since Camp Penguin, there has been some suspicious rumours about a shadow and a rumour about a penguin named “Be Ready”. 

He is – indeed – an agent… And he was warning us. Some of us didn’t care. Now, we face the consequences…


The EPF are initiating Operation: Shadow. To protect all penguins on the island, they have been negotiating with us (the So Long CP team). As of today, this operation lies within all of our flippers. The So Long CP project is now preparing for a mighty “so long” as we aim to capture the threat and restore peace to the island. All agents are being recruited to take part in this operation, although it is a dangerous one.

Over the next few weeks, there will be important assignments that will lead us to victory. Jet Pack Guy is the leader of communications, so he will be sending out Spy Phone mission notifications in the near future – and it is vital we complete them, for the island’s sake. Jet Pack Guy has already attempted to suspend Iggy Fest. Iggy Fest will actually be taking a detour. This is because there will not be many penguins, with a membership, to show off their igloos. The EPF suggested that we play a game of Hide-and-Seek to pass the time. Though, we will endeavour to visit as many igloos as possible too!

EPF assignments will look like this. Most of them will include a date and time, corresponding to the mission. You can keep track of these on the blog.

For now, the EPF have assigned us to warn you about this peculiar shadow. The suspect was able to secretively infiltrate Camp Penguin last week, which is a risky warning. Be Ready claims that this shadow is watching us all – everywhere. Please lock your igloos (and your backyards), have your spy phone notifications turned on, be cautious of everywhere you go, and (most importantly) be ready.

Finally, we have a video to share with you all. Note: all content has been captured with island surveillance cameras. Please watch the video and share it with your friends; everyone needs to be aware of this.

Stay tuned for the launch of this operation in March. Make sure you share this post with your friends so that we can help save the island together! Feel free to ask any questions in the comments below. Thank you for reading.

Waddle On!



“Nothing Lasts Forever” – My Thoughts

Hello everyone!

Today I just wanted to explore some different kinds of topics on this Blog. Some in which I have not blogged about in my career even though I would like to. Sometimes I can be a very opinionated Penguin. The only form of posts I have expressed my opinions in are my party reviews however I thought it would be nice to step outside of the island for a bit and think about Club Penguin as a massive virtual world for kids.

Okay, I admit; I am not at all good with facts and figures on when Disney had bought Club Penguin and how much incline and decline there has been in traffic over the past years. I am not at all bothered to research it too because I know a lot of posts out there who provide details so copying will not do much good. My intentions with this post are to explore the journey Club Penguin has taken on ever since 2005. It has been a long one and it has been very interesting.

Back when Club Penguin was developing into something much bigger (The Big Update) it was surprisingly successful. Reasons for this were because Club Penguin took on a unique form of chat rooms and the visuals of the chat rooms helped to extend a world of imagination for kids. With Experimental Penguins (pre-Club Penguin) Lance Priebe did a good job with creating a world about Penguins even though the concepts were quite bland and the software was not as advanced as the current one Club Penguins runs on now. However back then, kids would have thought of Experimental Penguins as something big which was as a result of a new virtual world! Back then, the traffic was not as good as it is today, yet the whole point of this post is to illustrate how Club Penguin became something which appealed to more and more people until recent years.

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Club Herbert Update!

Club Penguin Elite Penguin Force Top Secret Slogan

Good day agents!

It seems that Club Herbert has now been updated once again. This will help us get on with Operation: Find Herbert since we now know some extra details. Below is the visual report on clubherbert.com:

Club Penguin Club Herbert Update 30.06.15

As you can see, Herbert P. Bear may now have finished his visit around Penguins on the island since it has been marked off on his new checklist. For some peculiar reason, Herbert has decided to frame a picture of his visits around the island. Specifically – the Mine Shack, Forest, Puffle Lodge and somewhere I have not yet been able to identify. I would like to see if you can make a link with any of these images since it may be significant to what Herbert may be planning right now.

If it helps, it was reported back to me that Herbert left his visits at the Puffle Wilds so this implies that he is based somewhere in the Wilderness of Club Penguins. The mountains are still possible as an option however it seems as if Herbert has returned to his usual cave somewhere in the Wilderness as we can tell from the walls and the same old door with the…crab flap?

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Operation: Find Herbert

Club Penguin Elite Penguin Force Top Secret Slogan


This is EPF agent Blue21102 reporting from the Elite Penguin Force Command Room. On behalf of the alliance, I would like to introduce every one of you agents to a top secret operation. Hopefully you have gained some skills from Spy Drills and the PSA Mission Training Program because what I am going to brief to you is some tough business and is required some sensibility and concentration.

Our mission is to track down Herbert P. Bear Esquire. This polar bear has made some unfortunate history on this island and his biggest heist was blowing up the PSA Headquarters with…Popcorn. Stay sharp agents! The evolution of the EPF began after the disbandment of the PSA and we can not fail our mission again! The EPF was created for skilful agents who have what it takes to eliminate any threats that invade this island and one of them is Herbert. Now, all of you should be capable of understanding what I am going to say next.

This top secret operation is called ‘Find Herbert’ and it may sound pretty simple but you have got to do even more than just reading in-between the lines to succeed in this operation. It is time to get practical! Every one of you – including me – is going to do some research on where Herbert may currently be hiding. Some top secret information has been leaked within the Club Penguin Times and on Spy Phone messages.

We do not know exactly where Herbert is located but we do know this:

Club Penguin Herbert's Case File Issue #469

We have been able to gather quite a bit information from handling a lot of experience with Herbert. Your first order is to examine this case file and establish all of his strengths and weaknesses. Please document your findings and report back in the comments below. I have been able to identify some of Herbert’s key characterisitcs in former Island Discussions however it takes more than one agent to conclude the evidence. If you can, go the extra mile and search the island for more evidence to back up this case file. For example, we found out that Herbert could not swim during ‘The Ultimate Mission’ so why not do some investigating on your own research? Please report back to me if you have identified anything new!

Recently we have been updated on where Herbert was last seen. This Island Rumour was leaked in the Club Penguin Times Issue #469. Please have a read:

Club Penguin Klutzy Finds Herbert

We have some sort of confirmation that this is true from Jet Pack Guy, confirming that Klutzy was sighted entering a cave deep in the Wilderness. However nothing has been heard recently. Before going straight in with this operation, we need to do some recon. Try and explore the island and look for some clues which could tell us further news on Herbert’s location. We already have one case study up in the mountains. There seems to be a cave with no examination upon it so far. Keep looking and keep me informed if you have discovered anything.

Club Penguin EPF Message JPG Reports - Klutzy Found Herbert
This EPF message was sent to all agents on September 11th 2014. No reports on Klutzy or Herbert have been made since. Stay sharp!

Last of all we need some theories and some good eyes! Wherever you are on the island, look out for Herbert! We have had some recent reports which have confirmed that he is on the move and possibly up to something. Luckily we have some great trackers available around the Club Penguin Network so if anyone reports a Herbert sighting, go there with them on that server and back them up. It would be great for some video evidence so that we can keep track of what he is saying. I repeat, look out for Herbert around the island. This one you have got to support each other with. For some extra edge in your investigation, keep an eye on Club Herbert. This website suspiciously helps us EPF agents to gain an advantage to tracking down Herbert now and then.

This has been your briefing on Operation: Find Herbert. Please invite other agents to read this post and keep thee details with EPF agents only. This investigation is very serious since Herbert has been inactive for quite a while. It can surprise us on what he has been up to within a matter of months.

Be Resourceful, Be Remarkable, Be Ready!

Blue21102, out!