Blue Reviews: Finding Dory Party

Hey everyone!

Welcome to Blue Reviews – a topic in which I speculate and talk about the different parties that visit Club Penguin every month. Each of my reviews are separated into different sections where I review the parties’: Storyline, Visuals, Content, Music and Replay Value. At the end, I round off the review with the Verdict. This concludes my thoughts on the party with comments on the party, as a whole. Afterwards, I rate the party with a score out of 10. Feel free to let me know what you think of the monthly party in the comments section. I hope you will enjoy my review on this month’s party:

Finding Dory Party

Finding_Dory_Party_Logo_Edit Continue reading

Blue Reviews: Inside Out Party

Hello everyone!

Welcome to another ‘Blue Reviews’ where I evaluate the monthly parties/events that occur in Club Penguin. For each party I review, I will explore four areas in which the party is going to be reviewed upon. These are: Story, Visuals, Content and Durability. After reviewing these four areas, I will then conclude my review with a Verdict! This summarises what I have mentioned throughout the review and everything will be averaged into a score out of 10. I hope you will enjoy my review on this month’s party…

Inside Out Party!

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Blue Reviews: The Fair 15′

Hello everyone!

Welcome to another ‘Blue Reviews’ where I evaluate the monthly parties/events that occur in Club Penguin. For each party I review, I will explore four areas in which the party is going to be reviewed upon. These are: Story, Visuals, Content and Durability. After reviewing these four areas, I will then conclude my review with a Verdict! This summarises what I have mentioned throughout the review and everything will be averaged into a score out of 10. I hope you will enjoy my review on this months party…

The Fair 2015!

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Blue Reviews: SoundStudio Party

Hello everyone!

Welcome to a ‘Blue Reviews’ on this month’s party. I will be judging the party on four elements: it’s story, the visuals, the content and the durability of the party. As well as tying it all up at the end with a verdict and a score out of ten. If the score is below 2, it is quite a bad party. If the score is between this and 5 then we have an average party with a few disappointments. When the score exceeds 5, we have more good stuff than the bad. 8, 9 or 10 is a very rewarding score! Please enjoy my review on the…


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Blue Reviews: Pirate Party 2014

Hello everyone!

Today I am going to reviewing this month’s party! It is the Pirate Party! A lot of you have been excited for this (including me) since this is the first time in quite a while since they have continued this party. In this review I am going to discuss several elements of the party and then round it up to a score out of 10. Please enjoy

First we have the plot. The plot of this party is that Rockhopper’s Migrator has been stolen by a crab army while he docked off at Swashbuckler Trading Post. They had taken over the ship and painted the sails; things were pretty bad. However it got even worse. The Migrator crashed ashore around the beach and the crabs are now stashing Rockhopper’s valuable treasure under “Xs” around the island. Our mission is to help Rockhopper and battle the crabs to be able to retrieve Rockhopper’s treasure. Throughout this party, players are able to engage with other fellow penguins – for practice –  as well as trying to defeat the crabs. Each day penguins can come back and fight for the X (where the treasure is buried) and along the way (with practice with other penguins) you can obtain a variety of swords with an extra special one at the end!

The story still continues until the end of the party but we have not heard much of Herbert. It is believed that Herbert will make an appearance during the party according to Club Herbert. However no evidence in the party has told us yet that Herbert will be around. Maybe he is going to be in a BOSS Battle near the end of your party…

My thoughts on this story is that it sounds convincing. I like the background story that has been added and it is nice to see an original plot. I still want to know more about the Migrator crashing, though. It seems as if that has moved away and it is not really the “heart” of the party. Maybe we may know more about it soon but I think that this plot is good enough to keep players engaged.

Second we have the effort. I think that the effort of making a party really counts towards the players since it is in control of the durability, how fun it is and whether it is original. I like how Club Penguin has now took room decorating into consideration and even though the whole island still is not decorated, I am happy that a few other rooms have been counted towards the party. For example the Cove, the Forest, the Beach but sadly not Ski Village/Hill. Also the décor is completely new and the style of each room really captures the life of a pirate. I love the look of the Forest!

Furthermore there is a whole bunch of items to eventually claim! Non-member or not, you can come back everyday, fight some crabs, and get some items. It is nice to see that Club Penguin has made an effort with items this year. The only con is that the items are not really fascinating. There is the odd prop that can fix up your penguins however I do not think that everyone cares much about them. Being a critic myself, I particularly appreciate every item so keep going!

Overall the effort is great! There could have been more rooms with decorations however the style of the rooms decorated is very unique and intriguing. Not like the Halloween Party ’14, Club Penguin has offered us a range of new styles which I really appreciate! Except for the Hotel, of course! That was good.

Lastly we have the compatibility! Since the Club Penguin App update, Club Penguin have tried hard to get parties on the go and we have had them for a bit now. This is handy since it offers a range of ways to play. Although the app still hasn’t come to Android yet, the web version is just as enjoyable or even more but Club Penguin has continued to bring it to the web!

This topic was quite simple. By no doubt, Club Penguin has been doing great with compatibility. Maybe in future there will be more updates to the app as well as bringing the format onto other devices. Club Penguin is currently working on Android and it will be launched any time this month or maybe by the end of the year.

So that was the review on the Pirate Party! I think it is very good with a few disappointments, however I have enjoyed it like most of you probably have. What are your thoughts on the Pirate Party? Please feel free to comment below and be sure to check out the verdict below this paragraph!

THE VERDICT:  6.6/10
