So Long Club Penguin

Hello, everyone!

The Club Penguin Island party has arrived at the island and it has been fun to see what the party has in store for us. So far, it looks as if penguins will be given a taster of what life is like on Club Penguin Island. All we know at the moment is that this new game will be launched – worldwide – sometime this year. Most likely, it will be released in the early months of 2017 since this party hints towards this. As you can imagine, this is an exciting but scary time for penguins. Is this new game going to revive the game? Will Club Penguin be gone forever? Will I like the new game? So far, the feedback from Club Penguin Island has been really decent so I am sure it will be even better when it launches soon. I have a lot of hope in the game but I am still quite nervous myself.

It is almost time for me to say goodbye to a game that has impacted our lives so much. Club Penguin will not be ending too soon (so don’t you worry) but the community will be a lot more sparse as it merges in with the new game. Club Penguin is in need of an update which is why Club Penguin Island was built by the team. It is similar to Club Penguin but, at the same time, it offers a lot of new experiences! I have been able to beta test the game and my overall thoughts are very positive. There are some bugs which need squishing but that’s what the beta is all about! Anyway, this seems like a really cool game but it will never replace Club Penguin on the web. Club Penguin has not been doing so well recently (due to the development of the new game) but I can think of so many fun memories I have made with it.

So, I was thinking about memories for a bit and something struck me. If Club Penguin Island is close to its launch, how are we going to celebrate the end of Club Penguin? Not only how are we to celebrate it, but how are we to finish the journey we started? Well, I have come up with a solution and it involves the community. I would like to introduce you to a project called…


So Long CP is going to involve the community in a big way! Now, I have never done anything like this before but I have confidence in it if we all work together. Let me tell you the hopes I have for this project. Continue reading


Hello, everyone!

I hope the new year has been going well for you! Don’t worry, we only have 363 more days of 2017 so it will go faster than you think. Anyway, I am giving you an update! If you saw yesterday’s post, you would remember I gave you a taster of what this year has in store for this blog. Exciting stuff… Today, I am going to address to you some changes which you should be aware of.

Firstly, I am now Mister Blue Sky. Nice to meet you! It’s the same old penguin but now I have a snazzy name to lighten things up. You can still call me Blue, by the way. I would actually prefer that. Hopefully, this change will not affect a lot of things. I’m sure most of you will be able to go with it and grow attached to the name – alongside me. So, that’s change number one!

Secondly, we have change number two! New posts. Not just the ones you expect every loading_screen_pizzamonth, though. Some of them will be different since I am experimenting with a few ideas. Hopefully, it will result in more posts for you all because some will be smaller than my usual content. I think mixing things up would be a great change but once I get your feedback on it, I will confirm whether these posts will return. In that case, expect some new things to arrive this month.

Thirdly, there will be a new style! Club Penguin Island is close to launch so my blog needs a new makeover in order to suit up for it. This makeover won’t be too huge; it will involve new colours, fonts and an atmosphere. There will be a new logo to keep things fresh for the new year. Don’t you worry about anything! My blog will still be bright, bold and friendly! In fact, it will be more! Just keep your eyes peeled. I’m sure you’ll notice the changes either way.

Fourthly, I will be publishing my new vision. What is a vision, you ask? The vision is what sums up The Blue Blog. How would you describe my blog? It’s pretty much that! It’s the same old: “The Unique One.” But it is going to be given a bit more flesh. Club Penguin Island will not be the only thing I will cover on this blog so I need you to all be aware of this. The Blue Blog is a blog about whatever it wants to be about. Club Penguin is a big passion of mine loading_screen_shovelwhich is why I love to blog about it. I happen to holster other passions which I would love to share with you all. It may even appeal to new people who are not part of the Club Penguin Community. Basically, I’m interested in widening my audience so that’s what I am aspiring to do this year. If you have any queries about this, do not be hesitant and let me know them all in the comments section.

That’s about it! Not all of these changes are going to happen at once but they will happen soon enough. I have even more changes planned throughout the coming months and I will let you know more about these changes when the time comes. For now, enjoy the new year and look forward to what I have planned. Thanks for reading!

Waddle On!

Coffee Break Icon

Mister Blue Sky 

New Year’s Resolutions

Happy New Year, everyone!

It is Sunday, January 1st, 2017. It is a fresh start for everyone so I have a few New Year’s Resolutions to share with you. I always love creating New Year’s Resolutions because they motivate me to achieve great things in the new year. I have some exciting ones which I hope you will all find interesting. Let’s take a look!

New Year’s Resolutions

– Find A New Hobby

In 2017, I want to be able to take on a new challenge. Finding a new hobby will allow me to gain new knowledge and experiences which will make my year memorable. I have no idea what this new hobby will be but I want it to be something that I never thought I would take on. It’s fun to be different!

– Learn To Code

A few years ago, I tried to code. It never seemed to work out because I found it so boring and tedious. This year, I kind of need to learn code of I want to improve my blogging experience so I have to stay motivated and try to enjoy it. According to, “Code is Poetry”.

– Stay Positive

Whenever I write a post, I always try to be positive. Being positive makes you more approachable and friendly. I want to be able to expand on my positivity by keeping my posts fun and doing good deeds in the community. I will always try and keep that smile on my face, even if I have to force it. Smiling is good for you!

– Enlighten The Blue Blog

In 2017 I want to breathe more life into my blog. This will involve some big changes that I am hoping to accomplish. First of all, I am going to be experimenting with ‘’. Currently, this blog is managed by ‘’. This is better for bloggers who prefer to be given resources for a price. I am thinking that after 3 years of blogging on, it is time to make the move. This shift will require some knowledge of code, independent management and some perseverance. It will take some time but The Blue Blog will have an upgrade eventually. Secondly, in the meantime, I will strive to be more active on my blog. I have a bunch of new posts and projects planned! You should expect these to start rolling out soon. Thirdly, my vision will be slightly different. For now, I am going to say that Club Penguin Island is not going to be the only focus on The Blue Blog.

– Meet New People

I have met so many kind penguins in this community. With the introduction to Club Penguin Island, I could be able to make a lot more friends. Maintaining relationships like these will make me feel happier! I also want to make new friends outside of Club Penguin. In September, I will be going to college. Perhaps then I will get along with new people. The more people I get to know, the more interesting my year will become.

Those were my New Year’s Resolutions! I think I may be able to achieve them all if I remain determined and passionate about what I do. Now that I’ve shared my resolutions, I want to hear your ones. Feel free to type them down in the comments section!

I really hope that you all will enjoy this new year and I hope you are all excited about what I have in store for 2017. Thank you for reading!

Waddle On!


Mister Blue Sky

Who Am I Now?

Hello, everyone!

I am Blue21102. Or am I? Okay, it is me but I have been thinking about something for a while now. Something to do with me and it is quite an important matter. Why I am I sharing this with you? It will affect a lot of you who know me closely in the community.

You see…

When Club Penguin Island launches next year, I may be a different penguin. I am likely going to be changing who I am. So, in other words, you may have to wave goodbye to Blue21102 and say hello to someone new! If some of you are confused or worried about this, please allow me to explain – briefly.

Club Penguin Island is a whole new game, inspired by Club Penguin. Club Penguin players will not be able to transfer items, coins or any progress to the new game. This annoyed a lot of us in the community, including me. But, after some thinking, it gave me an idea: to start fresh. Now, some of you are probably thinking, “But you can transfer your penguinThe Blue Blog Icon name!”. While that is a true statement, my response is, “What is the point?”. What is the point? Club Penguin Island is a totally new game. Nothing meaningful from Club Penguin is going to transfer over to the new game. Why should I call myself Blue21102 if I am going to be without my puffles, my stamps, my igloos and my precious items? It’s not that I hate the name ‘Blue21102’ (although – yes – the numbers do bother me a little bit). Moving on to a new penguin is actually a pretty sensible thing to do.

I want ‘Blue21102’ to be remembered as a penguin who was awesome in Club Penguin – not Club Penguin Island. Blue21102 is always going to be my favourite penguin so I think it is best to leave him with a game that he started in and loves. Okay, I am sounding weird right now. I am Blue21102. But I am going to change my identity next year. Blue21102 will still be me but you won’t be hearing from Blue21102 when the new game arrives. He is going to stay with the game until it dies off. Therefore, I think it is only sensible for me to start off fresh – with a new name!  Continue reading


Hello, everyone!


Don’t worry – I have not gone mad (as implied in the title). Well, perhaps I am becoming mad because I am 3000 days old today! That makes me sound so ancient but I am not really a dinosaur…yet. You see, the number in the title -8.219178 – is actually how old my penguin is, in years! That is over eight years of playing Club Penguin! But I prefer to refer to my age in days because that is Club Penguin’s measure of how old you are. Now that I am 3000 oldpenguindays old, I feel a bit more wiser…but I hope my back doesn’t start to ache too soon!

So, when I was your age… Okay, I’m getting way too carried away right now.

So, back in the day, I started off as a 7-year-old. Now, I am a 16-year-old! Long story short, Club Penguin has been a huge slice of my childhood which I am not prepared to eat, yet. It is a heck of a long time. The question is: how? The answer is a snowy island thrived with colourful penguins. It is hard to ignore the reality but Club Penguin is obviously my treasure. It is going to be difficult to wave goodbye to it soon but the future is an awesome one (well, for Club Penguin anyway). Club Penguin Island will be amazing but will I be continuing my waddling towards this next stage of the journey?

That, I do not know. Continue reading