Why Hot Sauce?

Hello, everyone!

While playing Club Penguin Island, I always notice that many contraptions have a bottle of hot sauce next to them. The reason for this is due to the fact that hot sauce is the primary source of power across the island. Okay, that may sound a little bit weird – because it is! Have you seen the hot sauce too? It’s pretty hard not to, especially when they shimmer.

In the examples above, you can see that the hot sauce supplies power to the Welcome Hut, the Stage, and the Collectibles Booth. Club Penguin is a wacky island – what else would you expect? However, I think that there is some reasoning behind this. Hot sauce is not only good on pizza, but it turns out that it can power a whole island. It must be quite cheap and useful if you think about it! Plus, it is very accessible. Therefore, it seems that this energy source is a lot more valuable than we think.

Every time I come across something like this, I always have to think behind the scenes. Doing so enabled me to come up with some sort of prediction of the future. If you played Club Penguin on the web, you may (or may not) remember a certain polar bear, named Herbert P. Bear, Esquire. He is one interesting character! Herbert always dreamed of transforming Club Penguin into a summer paradise. Why? Long story short, Herbert hated the freezing cold and came across Club Penguin. Every now and then, there was an attack of some sort. Some of these attacks were huge; Operation: Blackout, for example. During Operation: Blackout, Herbert invented a terrifying machine that drained all of the sunlight into one confined space, leaving everyone to freeze around him.

Where am I going with this?

You see, Herbert was able to secretly set up these massive abominations without any attention drawn to him. Luckily, the EPF was able to foil each one of his operations. Anyway, Herbert must have been very skilful to be able to do this. But was it him?

Or was it hot sauce?

If you look at these images above, you will see that hot sauce is present in both of them. The image on the left is from Operation: Puffle and the right one is from Operation: Hot Sauce (it’s even in the name!). Operation: Hot Sauce took place a few months after Operation: Blackout. The story behind this operation was that there was vandalism at the Pizza Parlor; all of the hot sauce was stolen! EPF agents had to track down the culprit and they were lead to an underwater lair. And in that lair was a polar bear!

Ever since this operation, hot sauce became a wingman for Herbert. That is why agents saw the return of this hot sauce later that year, during Operation: Puffle. Ever since Herbert discovered the power of hot sauce, it made him appear as a powerful polar bear. But as soon as the hot sauce was taken away, Herbert had nothing but a nervous crab. Acknowledging this, I assume that the EPF – perhaps – underestimated the power of hot sauce. Now, Club Penguin Island is full of it!

Basically, I think that the intention of using hot sauce in Club Penguin Island was to show herbertttttttttttttttttttreturning players that the new game is not entirely new. It may be a new island, but the facts remain as true as they were and I think this is a good sign that mysteries will be continued on this new island. In fact, I wouldn’t be surprised if we saw the return of Herbert some day in the future. He seems to like hot sauce very much so this island could be the paradise he has been dreaming of.

That’s not all I wanted to talk about. Earlier, I mentioned how the hot sauce shimmers now and then. When this happens, we know what is interactive on the island. For example, the musical instruments, on the stage, shimmer. So do the wooden swords on The Migrator. Each of these items can be picked up, so I have a feeling that the hot sauce will have some kind of purpose through an adventure. It could possibly attract a lot of unneeded attention in the future, due to how effective it is. Let’s not forget that it is also a vital element that contributes to the legend of Card-Jitsu!

I hope you all enjoyed this first Island Insight. Let me know what your thoughts are on hot sauce. If you have any theories about hot sauce, feel free to comment them down below! Thank you for reading.

Waddle On!



Island Insight

Hello, everyone!

Today, I have another blog category to unveil to you all! I am particularly excited to announce this one. I bet you have guessed the name of it already…

Island Insight

The mysteries continue and we have to solve them!


Island Insight will explore the many mysteries that are hiding within Club Penguin Island. Each post from this category will give you an in-depth look into each mystery. I will also be proposing theories and managing investigations with the assistance of evidence. As well as this, however, there will be some conjecture and inference to make things interesting. It will also give you a chance to make contributions! Furthermore, I am hoping to bring back some documentary-type videos to give my audience a visual interpretation of my theories.

Luckily for you, it turns out that the cancellation of Island Discussion is not at all significant. I made this new category because I wanted to give it a fresh start since we are going to be dealing with a new game: Club Penguin Island. Nevertheless, I will be archiving my Island Discussion posts so that you can still read them. Who knows? Perhaps some mysteries from Club Penguin will be continued in Club Penguin Island.

The first Island Insight post will arrive tomorrow!

Before I end the post, I want to ask you a question: What mysteries are you most intrigued by in Club Penguin Island? You can let me know your answers in the comments section. Perhaps the ones you suggest will be featured in a future Island Insight.

I hope you enjoyed this announcement and I am looking forward to sharing my first post with you tomorrow. You do not want to miss it! Thank you for reading.

Waddle On!


Island Discussion #19: August

Hey everyone!

In today’s Island Discussion, I thought it would be appropriate to talk about what we can expect this August seeing that we have only just started the month and it does seem to be an interesting one from what I have gathered so far. Megg – Community Manager of Club Penguin – has been experimenting with a few ways to reveal what players can expect with a particular month. In June, it started off with a calendar which was very revealing but many players wanted one of these every month. I felt that these weren’t the best technique so Megg tried something different in July: A few images, words and phrases. Funny enough, not even all of the listed things to look forward to happened so July was only well known for the Inside Out Party and the first #ProectSuperSecret sneak peek. For August, Megg decided to create anagrams of each phrase for a twist. In some ways, I respect this idea more than the others since it gives player a challenge to be able to find out what to expect and several of them were quite hard to solve. However with the on-going support from the community, we managed to find them out quite quickly! If you are not looking for spoilers on what to expect this August, then I am afraid that this post is not for you. Sorry!

1. idd uoy nitoec?!
2. nsfhiao ecaf off (senak epek)
3. nfiipdeshr day
4. epluff rhladne emte-up
5. attiilnrnnaeo cta ady
6. einntrtnoaila eshnlfdrate yad
7. sretrpeeepcousjrtc nekas eekp
8. igtsebg laoatgc rvee
9. teh safoinh elsavtif
10. emweraonlt ayd
11. tanu itccra eetm-pu

Above is the list of anagrams! In this post I am going to translate each one and discuss what these mean and explore what we can expect. The first one is ‘Did you notice?!’. At first I looked at this one and assumed that the following list of anagrams were related to this phrase however it was confirmed by Megg (via the comments section) that this is going to be an upcoming post on the Club Penguin Blog where the team are going to reveal some little changes that occurred to the Club Penguin app. I do believe that these changes have already occurred with the release of the Inside Out Party however I am not entirely sure if I am true. I know that one of the changes is that they have animated the bell on the reception desk within the lobby inside of the Puffle Hotel. Apparently if you walk next to it, it should automatically DING!

There must be other changes that are going to be revealed in this post. It makes me wonder why Club Penguin are paying attention to these little details on the app. What about the web version? Perhaps this posts says a lot more about the future of Club Penguin as well as what changes have occurred. With Club Penguin focusing on the app with these changes, does this confirm that the app is going to have some kind of priority over the web version in the future. What do you think?

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Island Discussion #17: Dot-Two-Dot

Hello everyone!

Welcome back to yet another Island Discussion. Today I will be talking about something quite surprising and exciting. If you have stuck with my Blog for a while now, you may remember my 9th Island Discussion. It was called ‘Dot-To-Dot’ (pun intended on the title of this post) and it was basically a vague theory of my thoughts on Dot the Disguise Gal. I remember discussing the statement: ‘What if Dot the Disguise Gal was evil?’. There was practically no evidence to support a theory off the top of my head however I have recently been able to stumble across some interesting clues to make you realise that my old theory may be something crucial.

My former Island Discussion, on Dot, explored how Dot may be not what we interpret her as. In other words, I was wondering whether Dot the Disguise Gal is evil or not and what made me think of this was only because she is a Disguise Gal. I thought that maybe being an EPF agent could be one her many disguises since her skill in stealth gives her an advantage to disguise as a villain. Furthermore her first appearance with agents on the PC coincided with Herbert’s popcorn explosion at the PSA Headquarters. I was questioning the significance of her character as she helped to unveil the EPF and came up with other ideas such as Herbert sending her as a duplicitous agent to assist him in the mission on blowing up the HQ. A lot of my theories were speculations and not approved by any evidence at all but if you are interested in what I came up with, head here!

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Island Discussion #16: Unidentified Discovery

Hello everyone!

I am back with another Island Discussion on ‘The Attic’! If you don’t know what I mean, well basically ‘The Attic’ is a little element which will now be part of some of the Island Discussion. When I mention it in a post, the discussion will evolve around a particular item found in the Mystery Attic. There are lots of topics to talk about however today I am going to talk about something interesting. The Mystery Attic seems to be hinting at something quite fearful which may appear in the future. We are talking about UFOs!

A UFO (Unidentified Flying Object) is an aircraft which mysteriously appear to be reported from around the whole world. Quite often we hear about sighting of a UFO in reality however it is hard to judge whether it is a hoax or not. Why do we care so much about them? Well it is believed that some people who go missing are abducted by UFOs as we have gathered some evidence. It all depends on if you believe in aliens or not. As a matter of fact, I do but I have not yet seen any evidence which seems to be reliable. Aliens may control UFOs and abducting humans could be one of their tests to identify us humans. To them, we are aliens so each one of our kind is curious about each other.

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