Island Discussion #26: Rookie: The Rookie

Hello everyone!

Be prepared to say hello to one of our most dedicated members of the EPF. Leader of the communications systems on the island, this hard-working agent strives to deliver his duties…on time, of course! His choice of clothing is somewhat admirable and frantic which makes him unique and totally different to every other agent on the team…in a good way, of course! Have you met him yet? I am sure you have even if you are not an EPF agent because this penguin loves to blow our cover all the time…in the most convenient way possible…of course? Yeah, you’ve met him. Well, say hello to this guy!


His name is Rookie. Why is he called Rookie? I don’t know… Alright! Rookie is someone you need to avoid. If you are on the verge of discovering something epic about the tipping of the iceberg, Rookie will destroy it somehow. It is something we, EPF agents, will never be able to grasp or understand. His name says it all, really. Technically, Rookie is an agent but his name classes himself as someone a bit lower on the hierarchy. Basically, Rookie is not yet a skilful agent but he has been with the EPF since the beginning of its rise. Way back when the PSA was established, Rookie was there. For all of these years, he has had numerous opportunities to develop his agent training but he has not progressed at all. If anything, he has become more of a rookie than when we first met him. So why has no one acknowledged this? Or have they?

Welcome back to the 26th Island Discussion where we will be discussing the significance of this wacky agent. There are several questions orbiting my mind such as: ‘Why does Rookie exist?’, ‘What is the point?’, ‘Who recruited Rookie?’, ‘Why is he still with us?’. Hopefully, by the end of this discussion, we will be able to uncover some of Rookie’s silhouette until we finally get to know this character and his status. I bet you all have similar questions to mine; one of the island’s biggest mysteries have been in front of us for a long time, yet we never get the time to talk about it. Luckily, this discussion should clear up those brainstorms and create new ones as we dive deeper into Rookie.

To begin with, it would be sensible to unlock Rookie’s beginning so we can work through his life chronologically. So in other words, where did Rookie come from and how did he end up as a member of the PSA. Well, there could have been a number of scenarios that determined Rookie’s position on the team. It gets even more complicated especially when he is a penguin with no knowledge and nothing useful to offer other than his rock collection or his rubber ducky. I mean, what is that all about?

So the first time we met Rookie was during the PSA Mission #3: Case of the Missing Coins. Rookie was the one we met at the vault in the Gift Shop. In fact, he told us that he was new to the team which tells us that he is actually a new recruit with a right to mess up with some stuff. As a matter of fact, Rookie forgot the combination to hack into the vault which is where his story of mistakes began. Silly Rookie…

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Club Penguin: The Dark Island (Inside)

Hey everyone!

I has been roughly half a year ago since I released my first Club Penguin Documentary on my Sasquatch Theory. It was something totally unique that I thought of at the time and I am glad that a few of you were interested in it. My Club Penguin Documentaries tend to reflect my Island Discussions in a visual representative and I think that creating more of these will definitely be worth something. In addition, I conducted a survey a while ago asking if you would like to see more content on my YouTube Channel and it turns out that the Club Penguin Documentaries category was the most popular! Therefore I am happy to announce that a new one is in the making.

It will take a long time to record and glue it all together because my Club Penguin Documentaries explore – somewhat – a lot of detail! Also my new one is going to be even bigger than the last since it covers a range of different topics that all link up and since my last Club Penguin Documentary, the island has got darker and more theories have been produced. Just so you know, all my YouTube videos are recorded with Bandicam – a free recording software that it easy and fun to use. Unfortunately, there is going to be the watermark because (it is free) but you might want to know, I am not planning on upgrading the software in the future as I do not plan to focus more on video content than Blog content. I hope this makes sense. After I record my videos with Bandicam, I then edit in another free editing software – Windows Movie Maker. This is a fantastic program that allows you to do so much for a little. Obviously, other premium editing programs are bound to be much better however WMM does the job pretty well for me and some of you have been asking what programs I use so I recommend them all!

Anyway, I designed this post to give each and every one of you an ‘Inside’ to what the documentary will feature. It is possible that things will change for it in the future but I do have an idea of what is planned for the moment. So, the documentary is called ‘Club Penguin: The Dark Island’ and I am planning to release it sometime after new year, after covering a lot of content. For the documentary, I am depending on rooms in Club Penguin – hoping that they are in neutral form now and then so that I can record within these times. When there is a party going on, I tend to delay the recording until I have what is needed.

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Island Discussion #20: Not Quite

Hey everyone!

First of all, I apologise for not being very on the ball lately. You know blogging means a lot to me so I try my best to keep my Blog fresh. However it can be very difficult to find time to throw a post in now and then but as you may know, already, my posts are not the most frequent because I care more about what I post than time. On a happier note, you may have noticed that this is my 20th Island Discussion! Thank you for supporting these posts and I hope you have found them intriguing and unique.

Now, onto today’s topic!

I, as well as many other penguins, am very excited about this year’s 10th Anniversary. The celebration is amazing and all of that time waiting for a stronger party paid off for sure! The 10th Anniversary Party is very different compared to all the other parties; it’s more like a trip down Waddle Lane! Now, I didn’t join Club Penguin until 2008 so I know all of the latest ones but it is so cool to finally relive the past and feel like a younger penguin – like I was, over 7 years ago! It is an amazing experience where a variety of mascots turn up as well. And the party introduces us to the Mascbots!

The Mascbots were created by Gary (of course) and they are designed to feed penguins about the island’s past! They look awesome but something about them is not quite so right. Read this newspaper article and you will see…

Gary Mascbots Analysis Continue reading

Island Discussion #9: Dot-To-Dot

Hello everyone!

Welcome to the 9th Island Discussion! Today’s topic will be a bit empty, meaning I may not have any evidence for it. It is an interesting one, though. I will be trying to see whether this theory (I am about to tell you) is true. It may take some time to gather some evidence and to examine it but this was literally off the top of my head and I waned to find out about it! Here we go…

“What if Dot the Disguise Gal was evil?”

Dot3What do you guys think? Does this sound random to you? Well I was thinking that her history on this island is anonymous so we do not no much about here at all. Except that she “works” for the EPF.

Since she is a stealthy agent, you never know where you are going to find her. She may be an undercover spy working for another organisation but we do no not that because she can disguise as one. We may think of her as an ordinary EPF agent but the looks is just one layer of yourself. what is behind her?

The strange thing about Dot is that she was recruited later as an EPF agent. It started off when she helped you to qualify as an EPF agent in the DS game: “Club Penguin: Elite Penguin Force”. She also looked different then. This can tell you how she can remarkably change now and then.

In the mission “The Veggie Villain”, Dot appeared out from the cupboard that lead to the original EPF Command Room. She was not in any other mission except this one. There are three reasons that could explain this. Maybe she was just casually doing her job. She could have been working as an EPF agent for a while; maybe we did not realise. Second. Since she was new at the time, Club Penguin wanted to show her off on the web as well as on the Nintendo DS game. The third reason that could explain this could be that she was sent to the PSA (from the beginning of her recruit) to destroy the HQ and get away. As we can tell she only could have succeeded one part in her mission. Since it was Herbert that blew up the HQ, could mean that he sent Dot there in the first place.

Now Dot has maintained her position in the EPF. As we can tell, Herbert is now her enemy after he froze her and all the other EPF agents in Operation: Blackout. Maybe they turned against each other after Dot failed to complete the mission. (This is probably sounding really random now!)

This was basically a rough guide lines to Dot’s life and her relationships. I used the above story as an example to show that she could be a duplicitous agent. Of course this is only my theory and may be wrong but it is still possible that she may have connections with other organisation as well as the EPF. Since she is a disguise gal, it may be hard for us to tell…

That is it for this Island Discussion. That was one strange theory but I wonder if any of you could agree with it or think it is completely false. Please comment your thoughts and theories about Dot in the comments section. Who do you think she is? Is she an EPF agent? Or is that one of her many disguises?

Thanks for reading!
