Operation: Shadow Annoucement

Hello, everyone!

An unexpected threat has been traversing the island, terrorising penguins. Some describe it as a shadow; something invisible; something invincible. The EPF are currently investigating the matter. We have already been warned about this threat. Ever since Camp Penguin, there has been some suspicious rumours about a shadow and a rumour about a penguin named “Be Ready”. 

He is – indeed – an agent… And he was warning us. Some of us didn’t care. Now, we face the consequences…


The EPF are initiating Operation: Shadow. To protect all penguins on the island, they have been negotiating with us (the So Long CP team). As of today, this operation lies within all of our flippers. The So Long CP project is now preparing for a mighty “so long” as we aim to capture the threat and restore peace to the island. All agents are being recruited to take part in this operation, although it is a dangerous one.

Over the next few weeks, there will be important assignments that will lead us to victory. Jet Pack Guy is the leader of communications, so he will be sending out Spy Phone mission notifications in the near future – and it is vital we complete them, for the island’s sake. Jet Pack Guy has already attempted to suspend Iggy Fest. Iggy Fest will actually be taking a detour. This is because there will not be many penguins, with a membership, to show off their igloos. The EPF suggested that we play a game of Hide-and-Seek to pass the time. Though, we will endeavour to visit as many igloos as possible too!

EPF assignments will look like this. Most of them will include a date and time, corresponding to the mission. You can keep track of these on the blog.

For now, the EPF have assigned us to warn you about this peculiar shadow. The suspect was able to secretively infiltrate Camp Penguin last week, which is a risky warning. Be Ready claims that this shadow is watching us all – everywhere. Please lock your igloos (and your backyards), have your spy phone notifications turned on, be cautious of everywhere you go, and (most importantly) be ready.

Finally, we have a video to share with you all. Note: all content has been captured with island surveillance cameras. Please watch the video and share it with your friends; everyone needs to be aware of this.

Stay tuned for the launch of this operation in March. Make sure you share this post with your friends so that we can help save the island together! Feel free to ask any questions in the comments below. Thank you for reading.

Waddle On!



Lighthouse Investigation

Hello, everyone!

Today, I want to explore the Lighthouse on Club Penguin Island. At the moment, the Lighthouse is inactive. Unlike Club Penguin, you cannot enter the Lighthouse (at least, not yet). I think that penguins will be able to enter the Lighthouse at some point during the game – whether it is unlocked through a mascot adventure, or opened up during an update.

It’s not as if the Lighthouse has no relevance; the first few Aunt Arctic adventures involve thawing the ice on the beacon and replacing the light bulb. Also, penguins can hop up on top of the Lighthouse with the springboard. I guess you could call it one of the game’s iconic set pieces. However, I believe that there is another reason as to why the Lighthouse has returned on Club Penguin Island, and why it seems to be closed.

Have you noticed the boards?

If you have seen the Lighthouse enough times, you will – instantly – know what I mean. The door to the Lighthouse is boarded up. This could be for several reasons. In fact, this whole post is going to be an investigation about the boards on the Lighthouse. It’s quite a random topic but there are some potential theories behind it.

Firstly, the boards indicate that penguins will be able to enter the Lighthouse in the future. If you don’t know what I mean, think of it this way…

If the door didn’t have boards on it, you would assume that you would be able to enter the Lighthouse. If there were no boards on the door, penguins would approach the Lighthouse and attempt to enter it. Since it is locked, it would make us think that this building is just there for decoration; the door has no use. Hopefully, that will not be the case. Anyway, the boards hint that we will be able to enter the Lighthouse since it prevents penguins from entering it. It makes a lot of sense. With the absence of the boards, penguins would naturally think “oh, they opened it up now” and it should be open for access.

Secondly, the boards follow a pattern. At the moment, Club Penguin Island is in beta and there are only 3 main rooms for penguins to explore. These are the Beacon Boardwalk, Coconut Cove and the Sea Caves. In the future, there will be more rooms to explore. There are actually two dead ends leading on from the boardwalk. How do we know that they will lead to new areas? Well, they both have a construction sign next to it, along with a jackhammer. Construction relates to new areas because it involves building and expanding the island. The boards link to this because construction workers use boards when they work. Except, in this case, the boards tend to be “condemning” the Lighthouse. On the other hand, island mechanics could be reconstructing the inside of the Lighthouse which gives the boards a reason as to why they are there.

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So Long Club Penguin

Hello, everyone!

The Club Penguin Island party has arrived at the island and it has been fun to see what the party has in store for us. So far, it looks as if penguins will be given a taster of what life is like on Club Penguin Island. All we know at the moment is that this new game will be launched – worldwide – sometime this year. Most likely, it will be released in the early months of 2017 since this party hints towards this. As you can imagine, this is an exciting but scary time for penguins. Is this new game going to revive the game? Will Club Penguin be gone forever? Will I like the new game? So far, the feedback from Club Penguin Island has been really decent so I am sure it will be even better when it launches soon. I have a lot of hope in the game but I am still quite nervous myself.

It is almost time for me to say goodbye to a game that has impacted our lives so much. Club Penguin will not be ending too soon (so don’t you worry) but the community will be a lot more sparse as it merges in with the new game. Club Penguin is in need of an update which is why Club Penguin Island was built by the team. It is similar to Club Penguin but, at the same time, it offers a lot of new experiences! I have been able to beta test the game and my overall thoughts are very positive. There are some bugs which need squishing but that’s what the beta is all about! Anyway, this seems like a really cool game but it will never replace Club Penguin on the web. Club Penguin has not been doing so well recently (due to the development of the new game) but I can think of so many fun memories I have made with it.

So, I was thinking about memories for a bit and something struck me. If Club Penguin Island is close to its launch, how are we going to celebrate the end of Club Penguin? Not only how are we to celebrate it, but how are we to finish the journey we started? Well, I have come up with a solution and it involves the community. I would like to introduce you to a project called…


So Long CP is going to involve the community in a big way! Now, I have never done anything like this before but I have confidence in it if we all work together. Let me tell you the hopes I have for this project. Continue reading

Island Discussion #32: Be Ready

Hello, everyone!

Recently, I have been able to test Club Penguin Island on Android. In a nutshell, it has been a great experience (so far) even though there are some bugs that can affect gameplay. Soon, I will be reviewing the geo-beta of Club Penguin Island so stay tuned for that in the coming days.

Now, I have been playing this game for a few days and I have noticed a lot of cool details. I’ve been listing them down so that I could, potentially, discuss them all in the future. Today, I want to discuss more of the mysteries that Club Penguin Island offers. In this discussion, I have an interesting one for you all and it begins with this screenshot (captured on my phone).

This is a screenshot of one of the many messages you get on the Club Penguin Island loading screens. Of course, this particular message is different from the usual ones so there must be wp-1482261621784.pngsomething “special” about it. As a matter of fact, it is written in code. That’s right! This set of numbers require decryption, but how do we know how to crack it?

Being a cipher expert, I know for a fact that the code “2-5 18-5-1-4-25” is encrypted in A1Z26 cipher. The way this code works is that each letter of the alphabet is assigned with its corresponding number. In other words, A=1, B=2, C=3 and so on. This a common cipher that is used in a lot of code-cracking activities but I never expected to see it on Club Penguin Island. First of all, the code most Club Penguin players are familiar with is the “tic-tac-toe” code. This cipher has been used ever since the Penguin Secret Agency (PSA) formed in the original game and it has lived on for many years after. Now there is some vague indication towards a variety of ciphers to be used in the new game, perhaps.  Continue reading

Island Discussion #31: The Next Chapter

Hello, everyone!

Project: Super Secret has finally been revealed. No one needs to call the project “super secret” anymore because we now know what the new game will be called.

Disney Club Penguin Island™ .

It has been a long time since my last discussion. As soon as the Club Penguin community were surprised with the news, I thought that it would be an appropriate time to get the discussions rolling again. I find it quite cool that the word “island” appears in the new game title so it makes “Island Discussion” a sensible name.

So, a fresh start means that a lot of things will be refreshed. Club Penguin has been a great online game with mysteries dotted around it. The EPF, Herbert, the Iceberg, Tusk and so much more… The question is: will these mysteries be continued in Club Penguin Island. I actually talked about this in my last discussion. I suggest you take a look; it is interesting to compare my thoughts on this with my older impressions when the new game wasn’t yet revealed.

At first, I thought that this game would surround the delights of socialising with other penguins. I still think that this is the main aspect of the game. From what I have seen in the sneak peeks, the interaction has a lot of potential within Club Penguin Island. That includes interaction with penguins, items and the environment. Although I think thought this was a really good focus, it made me worry about the mysteries. I was worried that they were going to be chucked behind them. However, I have been enlightened with some promising evidence that supports the continuation of mysteries in Club Penguin Island. Have you seen the website yet? If not, check it out now!

Do you have it open yet? Okay, now scroll down the page and look for an icon called “Quests”. Click the link and it should lead you to a page with lots of videos on the many wonders that are found on Club Penguin Island. On this page, you will be given a synopsis of what the “Quests” video is about. I will list it down here for you:

Hidden treasures and legendary secrets… there’s more than meets the eye on this untamed island. Have you heard about the mythical city of Penglantis?  Continue reading