Operation: Shadow Annoucement

Hello, everyone!

An unexpected threat has been traversing the island, terrorising penguins. Some describe it as a shadow; something invisible; something invincible. The EPF are currently investigating the matter. We have already been warned about this threat. Ever since Camp Penguin, there has been some suspicious rumours about a shadow and a rumour about a penguin named “Be Ready”. 

He is – indeed – an agent… And he was warning us. Some of us didn’t care. Now, we face the consequences…


The EPF are initiating Operation: Shadow. To protect all penguins on the island, they have been negotiating with us (the So Long CP team). As of today, this operation lies within all of our flippers. The So Long CP project is now preparing for a mighty “so long” as we aim to capture the threat and restore peace to the island. All agents are being recruited to take part in this operation, although it is a dangerous one.

Over the next few weeks, there will be important assignments that will lead us to victory. Jet Pack Guy is the leader of communications, so he will be sending out Spy Phone mission notifications in the near future – and it is vital we complete them, for the island’s sake. Jet Pack Guy has already attempted to suspend Iggy Fest. Iggy Fest will actually be taking a detour. This is because there will not be many penguins, with a membership, to show off their igloos. The EPF suggested that we play a game of Hide-and-Seek to pass the time. Though, we will endeavour to visit as many igloos as possible too!

EPF assignments will look like this. Most of them will include a date and time, corresponding to the mission. You can keep track of these on the blog.

For now, the EPF have assigned us to warn you about this peculiar shadow. The suspect was able to secretively infiltrate Camp Penguin last week, which is a risky warning. Be Ready claims that this shadow is watching us all – everywhere. Please lock your igloos (and your backyards), have your spy phone notifications turned on, be cautious of everywhere you go, and (most importantly) be ready.

Finally, we have a video to share with you all. Note: all content has been captured with island surveillance cameras. Please watch the video and share it with your friends; everyone needs to be aware of this.

Stay tuned for the launch of this operation in March. Make sure you share this post with your friends so that we can help save the island together! Feel free to ask any questions in the comments below. Thank you for reading.

Waddle On!



Iggy Fest

Hello, everyone!

The next So Long CP event is going to be…


What is Iggy Fest?

Iggy Fest is going to be a tremendous event that is simply a celebration of igloos. Every penguin, on Club Penguin, has one and you can do a lot with them (if you’re a member). That is why they are such a big deal. Igloos are something personal and unique. I always love seeing the vast variety of designs so we need to visit as many of them as possible! Igloos deserve to be shared, which is why Iggy Fest is going to make that happen!

How will it work?

Everyone will meet up at the Snow Forts, to begin with. After about 5 minutes, we start to visit igloos. There is not a strict system, so the way it works is you have to keep requesting for your igloo to be shown. I guarantee that we will be able to visit loads of them! If this were the case, we need to spend around 2 minutes (maximum) in each igloo. 2 minutes is enough to take in the glory!

Is there a theme?

Funnily enough, you do not need to decorate your igloo in a particular way. If you have a really special igloo, that means a lot to yourself, share it with everyone. The whole point of this event is to witness how authentic the Club Penguin community is. However, Iggy Fest is not just a bland igloo festival. There will be an igloo contest (just like the old days)! It is not compulsory to participate in but there is an epic reward. If you win the contest, you claim 12 Club Penguin items! The theme of the contest is your “favourite memory” from Club Penguin. Obviously, you cannot judge an igloo by its purpose, but you can judge it for its creativity and authenticity. To win this contest, you need to be different.

How will the contest work? 

The contest will be taking place at the end of the event. After an hour of visiting so many igloos, you can decide to join us at the Snow Forts, again, where we will be meeting the contestants. To join the contest, you need to sign up in advance. In fact, you have to use the comments section below. Just state your penguin name! Anyone is eligible to sign up – as long as you do it before 00:00, 25th February!

Where are the details?

Iggy Fest has its own invitation which you are free to share on social media. You can also expect recent news and updates on Iggy Fest if you search up #IggyFest and #SoLongCP on Twitter. Official updates will be posted by @Blue21102 and @SoLongCP. Again, feel free to tag your tweets with these hashtags to promote the event. It would be greatly appreciated! Below is the invitation for Iggy Fest!


I hope that many of you will be able to come along to this event and celebrate how awesome igloos really are!

If you have any unanswered questions about this event, please comment them down below. Thank you for reading!

Waddle On!



Camp Penguin – Highlights

Hello, everyone!

Camp Penguin was an interesting experience! A lot of you came along, which was fantastic to see, and I was able to connect with most of you really well. I think that the party was a definite success, so thank you for turning up and making memories with me and the team! In this post, I want to briefly discuss my favourite moments and share a few pictures with you all. Luckily, I also managed to record the event as well but this video will be coming later.


Firstly, I hope you all enjoyed Camp Penguin. There were no bots, except for a couple of mischievous penguins towards the beginning. As soon as I logged on, I couldn’t help but smile; all of the penguins were gathered around the campfire and it made the atmosphere cosy and friendly – which was what the event was aspiring to be! I waddled over to join you all and then I got my whistle out to get everyone’s attention. It felt awesome to use it! We all started off with a couple of stories and we even got to know penguins more. Even though this failed slightly, we “all said something about ourselves”. Yeah, it didn’t got perfectly but I was laughing.

Another key moment was the story time at the Forest. I took some inspiration from a recent ‘Megg Meet-up’ and told everyone to get in a line. The idea of it was to create a random and wacky story by inputting one word – each – into the story. I cannot remember it all but I remember there being an “apron ice cream strawberry”. Please, don’t ask – it was the magic of the chat filter! I actually really enjoyed this and had a laugh with a few of you.

Moreover, there was the marshmallow roast which went swimmingly. Okay, we burnt our marshmallows but that is only because we were getting to know each other too much! I asked everyone what their favourite things were; these questions ranged from parties to puffles. It was terrific to see the contrast in out views but there were some wow moments when some of us said the same thing. Now I know that someone else who misses the Medieval Kingdom… Continue reading

Camp Penguin

Hello, everyone!

Camp Penguin is recruiting campers – next week – on Saturday, 18th February!

Have you ever been camping on Club Penguin? Perhaps you have several years ago when Camp Penguin made its first debut. Now, Camp Penguin is returning to the island so that the community can bond with each other, over the campfire, at the cove. It is a time for marshmallow roasting and evening swims. It is a time for boding.

So Long CP’s next event will be a calm one. Even though we are a compassionate and supportive community, we actually do not know much about each other. So, before Club Penguin ends, that needs to change. I think it is an appropriate time to get to know each other more and the remedy to this is Camp Penguin.

So, what is this event going to achieve?

Camp Penguin will be a calm and relaxing experience that will take place at the Cove and Forest of Club Penguin. Hopefully, penguins will be able to make more friends and even become better friends with penguins they already know. Friends are vital in life because it means we can find someone to rely on, lean on and lead on. After Club Penguin closes its doors next month, us penguins will still be here so we need to make sure that everyone has friends, regardless of the future.

What can penguins get up to at Camp Penguin?

The greatest thing about this event is that it only happens within 2 rooms on Club Penguin. But within these 2 rooms, a lot can happen! For example, you can have a jolly swim with your buddies, at the Cove; roast marshmallows on the campfire; share spooky stories – and hunt for the Hermit. These are only a few of the possibilities but it is entirely up to you on how you make friends and socialise at Camp Penguin. You can let your imagination run wild!

Where can I find all of the details for this event?

Camp Penguin has its own invitation that invites every single penguin in the Club Penguin community (except bots). Feel free to share the invitation on social media and with your penguin pals. You can also find relevant information about Camp Penguin within tweets that are tagged: #SoLongCP and #CampPenguin. You can also use these yourself to promote the event so we can bond with as many penguins as possible. The invitation for this event is below.

Camp Penguin Invite.png

This event is going to be a truly unique – but simple – experience for all of you penguins to enjoy. I hope you are willing to register at Camp Penguin next weekend!

If you have any questions about this So Long CP event, please use the comments section or leave me a tweet @Blue21102. Thank you for reading!

Waddle On!



The Penguin Playoffs: Highlights

Hello, everyone!

Yesterday, there was history.

The Penguin Playoffs was attacked by bots; everything started to crumble within the first 10 minutes. But, the community was resilient – we pushed forward until we defeated the bots and ended up having an amazing time! I found it very stressful. I was well aware that this event could be invaded by bots. I feared that it was going to be ruined by bots. Luckily, that didn’t happen. The Penguin Playoffs suffered some dark moments, but the ending was so delightful and the aim of the event was achieved: we played games and we had fun!

The Penguin Playoffs began at the Ice Rink. Well, sort of. I had reports saying that there was an army of bots, sinisterly, waiting there. As soon as I heard the news, my heart froze. The So Long CP Kickoff did not suffer any bot invasions – we were lucky! Unfortunately, I already got the impression that this So Long CP event was going to be a lot more stressful than I anticipated.

Anyway, I logged on and found the majority of guests waiting at the Snow Forts. It was bot free…for a bit. Then, they came storming in! Everyone was shocked and annoyed. It turned out that the event needed to take a deviation.

So, there were no teams (as planned), no schedule, and no fun. I was so frustrated. Anyway, I tried to evade the bots as hard as I could by telling everyone to go to different parts of the island, but that didn’t work; the bots were feasting off my tweets! Before long, I realised that the bots could not interrupt the actual mini-games! So, whilst at the Ski Hill, I told people to play games while they could and it worked – to an extent.

It just got very laggy.

It wasn’t a surprise, really. Plus, no one could really see me saying anything because the bots constantly spammed jokes. I tried to move away again; this time, to the Puffle Lodge. I took into consideration that the Find Four stations were spread across two rooms, so I was hoping that some penguins could innocently play a game of Find Four without disturbances. Unfortunately, the bots were smart enough to switch between the Mystery Attic and the Puffle Lodge. Also, the lag was even worse when playing Find Four. By then, I ran out of solutions, so I kept struggling onwards.

Next, it was time for some reckless Mancala!

Of course, the bots followed us. I was actually surprised to witness how patient a lot of the guests were; they stuck with me despite the bot invasion! I only managed to play one game of Mancala before I couldn’t handle the pressure. From here, the party started to fall apart rapidly.

Some players were spread across the island. I found some stowaways at the Snow Forts! Some were still at the Ice Rink, and a lot of them in the Club Penguin Times Office. At that moment, I knew that the party was collapsing, and – soon – everyone was going to leave. Continue reading