Community Collab: #OurDisneyInfinity

Hey there!
Disney Interactive are currently holding a Players Pick where the community decide what the next Disney Infinity character should be. There is a poll on the Disney Blog where only a selection of characters are randomly chosen for people to vote for. However the vote is much more open as the team are also counting votes from social media. Using #OurDisneyInfinity will count as a vote as long as you obviously say who you want to join Disney Infinity.
A lot of the Club Penguin community (including me) are big fans of Disney since the game is amazing and some of the minds behind Club Penguin are involved with the game. As a loyal community to Club Penguin, we can use our support to help Club Penguin to be included inside Disney Infinity. Wouldn’t it be great to see Rockhopper waddling around with Captain Jack Sparrow to help defeat Davy Jones? Or would it be even cooler to see Herbert join forces with Darth Vader for the ultimate showdown in the toy box? There are endless possibilities in this game and Club Penguin could have potential in making it even more infinite with our voices heard.
If you are on social media, be sure to use #OurDisneyInfinity to help spread the word and suggest different ideas related to Club Penguin. This is a great opportunity to get creative since there is finally a chance for Club Penguin to join a game where imagination is only the limit. Retweeting on Twitter, liking on Facebook/Instagram can also make a difference so make sure you support the supporters with this campaign!
Lets collaborate and make this happen!

Community Collab: #KeepCalm and #CarryOn

Attention Community of Club Penguin!

I am posting to say that everyone needs to put an end to this drama. It may be shocking that there is a cut in jobs and the fact that the Brighton Office has shut down however raging on about it and threatening staff will not make the circumstance any better at all. In fact, it just makes it worse!

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Community Collab: Card-Jitsu

Hello everyone!

Welcome to a brand new Community Collab, where we raise ideas and interact with each other for the benefit of Club Penguin. Today’s topic is about Card-Jitsu.

Card-Jitsu is a game that is original to Club Penguin. There are two skills – for you to hone – to be able to succeed in Card-Jitsu. First you need strategy. Strategy is an advantage in Card-Jitsu because the rest is luck. To be able to have a higher chance in succeeding, strategy is your mate. You need to know your elements and their strengths/weaknesses. If someone chooses snow, you choose fire. That is basic strategy. However, if you’re on your way to become a ninja, you need to think as if you were in the other penguin’s shoes. For example you need to take in consideration that your opponent may be tricking you and leading you to a trap. By doing this they can pretend to pick their last element required to win and the other penguin’s instinct would be to go against that element to stop them winning. Keep thinking strategy and you can master Card-Jitsu in no time!

That was a basic guide to Card-Jitsu. As you can tell, the game sounds different and awesome! Club Penguin are lucky to own such a great game. Though when are they going to spotlight it?

Over the years, Card-Jitsu has become increasingly popular due to the expansion of different elemental games, making it vast and more interesting. Near the early stages of Card-Jitsu, Club Penguin released CJ Trading Cards to help promote it. Since the game itself uses cards to present a particular element, Club Penguin thought it may be a good idea to do this in real life. I remember the days when I used to collect these and trade them with my friends. I still have them in tins! They still sell these cards however they aren’t popular anymore and this is because there hasn’t been an update to them. Card-Jitsu has been updated online since there is now water, snow and fire to master but the classic cards still remain.

I love the CJ Trading Cards but it would be nice to see more ways to play. Maybe Club Penguin will be working towards this since the game is planning on being revamped soon. Also they are trying to bring it on the app as well!

Overall what are your thoughts on Card-Jitsu? Do you think is has been forgotten in reality? Comment your thoughts on this post and I would appreciate your reactions to Card-Jitsu. It would help as well since all of this collaboration will be noticed and maybe forwarded on to the team. Polo Field makes often visits and forwards some ideas so please feel free to say something.

Thanks for reading!


Community Collab: Merchandise

Hello everybody!

Am I the only one to think that Club Penguin has taken a step down from their advertising through merch? It seems weird that Club Penguin has not continued producing toys for the public.

I remember a time when there was a Club Penguin section in a range of toy stores but it seems that they have limited a lot of stuff that they used to sell. For example what happened to the mix and match figures? When I was younger I used to collect these as well as Club Penguin books and Card Jitsu Trading Cards. I think that merchandise and products related to Club Penguin can boost recognition and can show people how much it can matter to people.

Other MMOGs like Moshi Monsters and Bin Weevils are very popular for their website as well as their products. You can catch the moment when you hear Moshi Monsters advertising a brand new wave of toys in a TV advert but Club Penguin only uses this media for party advertisement. It is quite surprising since Club Penguin is very popular too and is valued a lot by it’s community but it is unfortunate that their production of merchandise has slowed a little bit.

Bin Weevils do particularly well in the BAFTA Kids awards, especially last year in 2013. Club Penguin has been a nominee for a matter of years but why hasn’t it won recently. Well, I think it has something to do with their distance between the public.

Over the years, some people believe that Club Penguin is maturing to suit older players and I can agree with some of the examples I have heard. Now that teenagers could be Club Penguin’s target, the toy products could be forgotten. These days (in Canada) Club penguin use Zazzle to promote their game and Zazzle offers a range of clothing products that are personalised to fit Club Penguin’s theme. I wonder if you are starting to realize the maturing now.

The problem with Zazzle, is that it does not include a form of product that would be advertised on TV. I think it is great that Club Penguin have attempted something different in their business of marketing however I do not think it will be enough to attract more players.

Maybe Club Penguin are developing new innovative ideas about this. Their approach may be slow right now but it does not stop Club Penguin from being the best MMOG right? 😀 What are you thoughts on this? Please comment your thoughts below to share your view on this situation.
